“Kokomo City” is a captivating and thought-provoking documentary that illuminates trans lives within a world of adverse circumstance and invariable optimism. In the wildly entertaining and...
“Oppenheimer,” directed by the visionary filmmaker Christopher Nolan, is a cinematic masterpiece that not only delves into the historical events surrounding the development of the atomic...
Barbiemania is in full effect! The highly-anticipated Barbie movie is just days away from its release, and fans cannot wait to see the movie on the big...
The laughs were non-stop on the set of They Cloned Tyrone. According to stars John Boyega and Teyonah Parris, co-star Jamie Foxx had everyone in stitches,...
The ladies of the “The Real Housewives of Potomac” are throwing fits and fists … again. Video has surfaced of a brawl going down at a...
Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt and the IMF team are back on a mission to save the world in Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One . But first...
Jamie Foxx is out of the hospital and is getting back into the swing of things … literally. The 55-year-old was spotted out and about in...
India.Arie was not a fan of Megan Thee Stallion’s Essence Festival 2023 performance. Meg who headlined Sunday night, led a “hot girl bootcamp” on stage —...
NeNe Leakes knows the fans want her back on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Since her departure after Season 12, folks online have been praying for...
Michael Jordan is none too please with his son’s relationship with Larsa Pippen. On Sunday (July 2) the basketball icon, was asked his thoughts on Marcus’...
A lot was going during the 2023 BET Awards including a heated argument between Lil Uzi Vert and his girlfriend JT. On Sunday (June 25) several...
Quavo and Offset reunite on stage for the first time at the 2023 BET Awards. The Migos rappers performed a surprise tribute to late member Takeoff...